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Last updated date : 2018/9/28

Savanna ชาวแอฟริกา

The Tokyo International Conference on ชาวแอฟริกา Development ( TICAD ) is an international policy forum based on the theme of ชาวแอฟริกา Development, which the Government of ญี่ปุ่น holds jointly with many international organizations. Yokohama became the host city for TICAV IV in 2008 and retains the honor this year again for TICAD V ( June 1 to 3 2013 ) thanks to the success it achieved the first time around.

ชาวแอฟริกา On this occasion, Presidents, Prime Ministers and other representatives แบบการประชุม Asian and European countries, international organizations, NGOs, etc., will gather in Yokohama for this large-scale international Many initiatives were taken by Yokohama towards TICAD V, one of which being the opening of a new section in the ชาวแอฟริกา Savanna zone of Zoorasia Yokohama Zoological Gardens (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก)

Zoorasia, the largest zoological garden in Yokohama, opened in 1999 The idea was to create a space where nature and animals live in harmony within the city. สภาพแวดล้อม The zoo was built using the best methods of displaying the way animals live in their original As for the ชาวแอฟริกา zone, first, a tropical rainforest section opened in 2003 followed by a multiuse rest area in 2004 With other sections opening in 2006 and 2009 2007 the ชาวแอฟริกา section rapidly grew bigger and bigger.

Savanna Opening of ชาวแอฟริกา

Which brings us to 2013 On April 19th, I went to Zoorasia for the opening of a new section. The Mayor of Yokohama, the Ambassador of Tanzania, Her Excellency Salome T. Sijaona, as well as citizens celebrated the opening alongside a few animals แบบ the zoo.

Well-behaved goats

Although the ชาวแอฟริกา Savanna zone is still in the กระบวนการ of being renovated, Zoorasia opened a new section called the Bird Show Theater. As the name suggests, it is more than an aviary as there will be bird shows to entertain visitors. The Embassy of Tanzania has contributed in setting up this new exhibit such as by providing ข่าวสาร on the different birds that are housed in this section.

จำนวนบุคลากร Zoorasia's expert

To give us a taste, we were actually treated to a shorter ฉบับ of the show that will be put on. Judging แบบ what I saw, the complete show will undoubtedly be fascinating. The trainers were well rehearsed and knew just how to entertain and joke when the birds didn ' t move according to plan. They showed a great deal of knowledge on their avian partners.

They even asked Mayor Hayashi to participate. She calmly took the stage and put on the special gauntlet while everyone nervously waited for what was to follow. The bird expertly landed on her arm accompanied by applauds for the spectators.

Mayor Hayashi participating

One of the highlights of the show

The bird show was preceded and followed by live percussions, a great way to end a great day!


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Zoorasia Yokohama Zoological Gardens Official Site (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก)

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