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Emergency Training

Last updated date : 2023/12/20

Emergency Training

On Saturday March 23rd, I participated in an emergency training session for French speakers living in Kanagawa Prefecture. On the occasion, about 100 people ( mostly families ) gathered to learn how to protect and help each other in case of emergencies.

It is important to realize that in the event of a natural disaster or any such crises, the different authorities will initially be busy with first responses like extinguishing fires, etc. It becomes the responsibility of each citizen to assist each other.

interpreters. The explanations and hands-on training were provided by the Yokohama Naka Ward Fire Department ' s จำนวนบุคลากร and translated to French by ผู้เข้าร่วมโดยไม่ได้กำหนดมาก่อน In the first part, we experienced earthquakes in a simulation truck.

Experiencing earthquakes

In the second part, we learned how to rescue people trapped under heavy debris using readily available material as well as how to safely transport injured people. We saw some very interesting and useful techniques, which I ' ll admit, would otherwise not have come to mind in the midst of a crisis. I ' m glad to be able to add those to my general knowledge.

Rescuing people trapped under heavy debris

The third part was spent learning how to treat injuries such as fractures and hemorrhages. We also learned how to perform CPR and to use an AED. I ' ll be honest here and admit that I had no idea how to do any of the things learned in this part. I like to think I would now be a functioning rescue member should any crisis occur.

Learning how to perform CPR

These activities were sponsored by the Bluff Clinic and by the Yokohama Country & Athletic Club. I can safely say that everyone learned something new in regard to disaster preparedness. fluently. Some participants even came up with new and interesting ideas to better disseminate the ข่าวสาร to foreign residents who may not speak การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น

French Consul, Mr. Jean-Jacques Pothier, also joined the training to remind local French residents to keep a constant level of preparedness in ญี่ปุ่น and the need to know and rely on the การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น local emergency services.

I definitely recommend checking with the proper authority to get such trainings. It is เป็นไปได้ to organize a session for a large group of people ( such as the one I attended ) by contacting the fire station in your neighborhood. Keep in mind that most fire stations will not be able to communicate in English, so make sure you can arrange for interpreters both when you consult them and for the actual training.

Families and individuals who want to better prepare for and be aware of what to do in case of emergencies can ประสบการณ์ a variety of preventive measures and emergency situations at the Yokohama City Municipal Disaster Prevention Center.

It is located in Kanagawa Ward, close to Yokohama Station. Please be aware that although there are pamphlets in English, there may not be someone who can communicate in English at the ศูนย์กลาง all the time. ตัวจริง It is recommended to confirm by phone before going in

It could save your life and that of others. Also การคิดเงินค่าอาหาร the bar on the left for useful links on how to act during emergencies.

(Cette หน้า en français)

Earthquake emergency procedures guidebook ( PDF : 5,050KB ) (ชาวจีน in English, Korean and Portuguese )

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