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Home Base

Last updated date : 2018/9/28

สัปดาห์ This I ' m not writing the article. Since a friend แบบ Niigata จังหวัดนี้ came over to Yokohama recently, I decided to use this opportunity to have a second opinion on this city I came to love. I asked her to give her impression of Yokohama as well as what weighed in choosing Yokohama as home base for her trip to the Kanto region.

Yokohama, The Ideal Home Base

When I arrived in ญี่ปุ่น last August to start my job as an assistant English ครู with the JET Programme, I knew that I would want to travel as much as เป็นไปได้ within this beautiful country. ญี่ปุ่น This is my first time in after a longstanding ความมุ่งมั่น in the culture, so I told myself I`d make the most of it. จังหวัดนี้ I live up in northern Niigata เมือง in a friendly rural I decided that one of my first trips would be bustling urban Tokyo - for a good การเปลี่ยนเสื้อผ้า of pace - but when I started planning it, I realized there were many other things I wanted to see in the region as well. A การทำแบบญี่ปุ่นครู at the high school I งานชิ้นนี้ at recommended Hakone, with its museums and unique geological features. Further research made me decide I`d want to see Yokohama and Kamakura as well. I had one สัปดาห์ to travel in. So how should I plan it?

I must admit when I chose Yokohama as a home base I was slightly concerned about commuting into Tokyo for my sightseeing and shopping. I was pleasantly surprised to find the commute was no คำถาม at all. There were trains every few minutes, for very affordable rates, and they usually weren`t even crowded. Plus, starting the day with a piping hot nikuman แบบ one of Chinatown`s amazing bun shops ( I tried three and all were good ) chill. was fantastic, especially in the early เดือนพฤศจิกายน I usually spent a bit of time in Yokohama in the mornings, and then headed into Tokyo for whatever I had planned in the afternoon.

But for me, what really shone about choosing Yokohama as my starting point was how convenient it was for all my sightseeing, not only Tokyo. Tokyo. Hakone and Kamakura were much quicker, easier, and cheaper to get to แบบ Yokohama than they would have been แบบ And as much as I enjoyed Yokohama and Tokyo, some of my best memories of this trip involve being ข้างนอก in nature, แบบ the peaceful hiking trails of Kamakura to the awe-inspiring volcanic wasteland of Owakudani in the Hakone region.

This trip wouldn`t have been the same if I hadn`t spent time in all four spots. And because of Yokohama`s central location and convenient public transit, traveling around Kanto was a breeze.

That`s why I recommend Yokohama as a home base to anyone wanting to travel in the region. Beyond the city`s own appeal, I think it`s also the best place to stay if you want to make the most of the many wonderful touristic attractions Kanto has to offer.

(Cette หน้า en français)

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