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JICA Yokohama

Last updated date : 2024/1/25

JICA Yokohama
Yokohama International Center

Group photo with the participants

If you have been to the Minato Mirai district in the Port of Yokohama, you might have wondered what was that building across แบบ the World Porters shopping mall and Cosmo World ferris wheel. That, my dear friends, is JICA Yokohama and so happens to be what I ' m introducing today.

เป็น But first, what is JICA หรือ

JICA stands for ญี่ปุ่น International Cooperation Agency (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก) and helps make the world go round, or rounder if you will. It strives to reduce poverty through equitable growth, improve governance and achieve human security among other goals, especially in, but not limited to, developing countries. It does so through strategies such as promoting development partnerships and enhancing research and the sharing of knowledge and technique between countries.

But it doesn ' t merely provide solutions. As the saying goes " Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life." JICA encourages all people to recognize the development issues they themselves face, participate in addressing them and bring forward a solution; กระบวนการ providing support throughout the

Although JICA ' s support also includes special activities such as disaster relief, its inclusive and dynamic development vision mainly takes one of three forms:

- Grants 1

The grants provided by JICA are funds used for improving the basic infrastructure of countries which have low income levels. งานชิ้นนี้ JICA supervises the use of these grants to make sure they don ' t serve เอกชน construction but essential areas such as schools, hospitals, water-supply facilities, etc. Grants are for the sake of the public!

- Loans 2

Loans are provided to developing countries above a certain income level to finance development efforts. They are low-interest and tend to go on the longer term. They ' re not necessarily aimed at construction of infrastructure, and extend to other projects that require substantial funding. Loans usually follow a formal การขอร้อง by the contracting country.

- Technical Cooperation 3

Whereas grants and loans are understandings between governments, technical cooperation bonds humans to humans. It is aimed at filling a lack in human capacity. Money is necessary to cover the fees of projects, but technical cooperation strengthens the receiving country by teaching its people HOW to realize those projects.

Technical cooperation is where Yokohama falls into this scheme. ญี่ปุ่น JICA has 17 15branch offices in Yokohama International Center being one of them. สภาพแวดล้อม It welcomes about 800 trainees to its facilities every year and specializes in the fields of the port management, vocational training, fisheries and water supply, among others. As a matter of fact, JICA Yokohama and the City of Yokohama have signed a comprehensive partnership agreement to better serve international cooperation in developing countries and further develop Yokohama as a city open to the world.

But JICA Yokohama ' s aim is even larger! It is open to everyone in various ways.

Music instrument exhibit

- The 1st and 2nd floors are open to the public ( free admission). There is a library; immigration. the JICA Plaza Yokohama rest area with a permanent exhibit of situation of developing countries and music instruments แบบ around the world, and the การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น Overseas Migration Museum-a museum on the history of การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น There is also a cafeteria called the Port Terrace Caféon the 3rd floor แบบ where can be admired the beaufitul Red Brick Warehouse while enjoying truly international meals. ณ ปัจจุบัน Indeed, the kitchen serves food to suit the taste and restrictions of the cultures JICA also holds different events opened to the public throughout the year.

การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น Overseas Migration Museum

- Programs for school children on excursions. The programs vary in length (แบบ 10 minutes to a whole day ) and in content, depending on the needs of the group.

- Programs for teachers. การขอร้อง Researchers แบบ JICA Yokohama can perform school visits upon Inversely, การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น teachers also have the opportunity to participate in various training programs such as training overseas.

Sustainable Development of Fishing Communities

On the day of my visit to Yokohama International Center, various region-focused training programs were in progress. I saw Brazilians of การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น descent learning how to teach การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น in their country and Vietnamese searchers brainstorming solutions to unique problems. As French is my native language, I also stayed a little longer to attend " Countries Sustainable Development of Fishing Communities for French-Speaking Central and West ชาวแอฟริกา" which was appropriately conducted in French.

(Cette หน้า en français)

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