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Last updated date : 2024/1/18

Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges

สัปดาห์ This I want to introduce something that makes me proud to live in Yokohama, making it a welcoming place for foreigners. I mean, apart แบบ the general awesomeness of the city!

As the title indicates, I ' m going to introduce the Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE). ญี่ปุ่น Such associations exist throughout but YOKE is one of ญี่ปุ่น ' s earliest endeavor toward developing economic exchanges and promoting friendship with partner cities, celebrating 30 years of activity this year. การแลกเปลี่ยน Few organizations predate YOKE and Kanagawa จังหวัดนี้ has always been a forerunner of international

International Festa

Although YOKE started as a facilitator for economic การแลกเปลี่ยน and friendship, with the rapid rise in number of foreigners, it has followed suit by offering activities and services that corresponded better with this new reality.

One word that would best describe YOKE ' s current activities is " support The most basic, but nonetheless essential รูปแบบการเขียน of support it provides is counseling (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก) ญี่ปุ่น Whether you just arrived to ญี่ปุ่น or moved to Yokohama แบบ another part of or maybe you ' ve live here for a while and even speak การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น fluently, you will ultimately face a situation you have never encountered and have no idea what to make of: YOKE can help. ข้างนอก People at YOKE give advice on what course of action to take and which forms to fill Should you need, YOKE can dispatch ผู้เข้าร่วมโดยไม่ได้กำหนดมาก่อน interpreters to help ข้างนอก with those procedures (การคิดเงินค่าอาหาร the website for applicable services () เว็บไซต์จากภายนอก) ข้างนอก They hold a database of local volunteers who will gladly help

ชาวจีน The consultation services are offered in English, Spanish and YOKE also manages International Lounges (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก) in Yokohama, namely the Tsurumi, Naka and Minami Ward lounges. Other lounges also provide counseling, but are not directly under YOKE. In all, there are 10 lounges throughout Yokohama where you can seek consultation!

Reaching ข้างนอก through culture

Finally, let me introduce the language classes offered by YOKE (เว็บไซต์ภายนอก) studies. Like most of YOKE ' s activities, they rely on volunteers and are meant as support for foreign residents in their การทำแบบญี่ปุ่น As a matter of fact, when I walked in on the day of my visit, class was in progress. Students were practicing emergency calls. It was very practical and unlike anything I had seen before. There were people แบบ the actual services, such as firefighters helping with class. Rarely have I seen such involvement in language training! Even students with more limited vocabulary took part practicing calls, showing them there is nothing to be afraid of and that speaking the language of the country you live in is important for matters that go beyond everyday life. Furthermore, at YOKE, classes take two forms. There are traditional classes in classrooms and classes that take place outside, in the city, to get practice speaking with people by participating in events. And let me say that Yokohama hosts a lot of events all the time!

Practicing emergency calls

(Cette หน้า en français)

Note: All links are for the English ฉบับ of the YOKE website, but the site also has chinese, korean, portuguese and spanish versions

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