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Yokohama ' s Sister/Friendship Cities

Last updated date : 2018/10/2

Through comprehensive efforts not confined to any single goal or limited time period, Yokohama pursues international exchanges through sports, culture, technology and more with eight sister/friendship cities.

San Diego ( United States of America )

A leading-edge industrial city and sightseeing destination located on the southern tip of the American West Coast

Partnership established on October 29 1957


Protected by rivers, Lyon is France ' s second most important city, famous for its silk, cuisine and cinema

Partnership established on
April 7 1959


A port city on the Black Sea steeped in rich culture and beauty

Partnership established on
1, เดือนกรกฎาคม 1965


This port city balances the majesty of nature with a modern cityscape

Partnership established on
เดือนกรกฎาคม 1965 1


This representative โฆษณา and port city of India has many different faces

Partnership established on
June 26 1965


The dynamic and upbeat capital of a country that merges ancient and contemporary culture แบบ the East and West

Partnership established on
เดือนกรกฎาคม 1 1965

Shanghai (จีน)

จีน The leading economic and trade ศูนย์กลาง of a country marked by continuous and spectacular growth

Partnership established on เดือนพฤศจิกายน 30 1973


A port city with countless historical ruins that it famous as a resort destination

Partnership established on October 12 1977

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