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Yokohama Official Travel Guide

Yokohama Official Travel Guide

Your guide to the latest ข่าวสาร on best things to do, hotels, restaurants, nightlife and interesting tidbits to make the most ข้างนอก of your visit.

@findyouryokohama ( external website )


The official Instagram บัญชีผู้ใช้ is daily posting highly creative still and video imagery of Yokohama to secure ever more fans of our city around the world.



Kindly click here to find best available urban solutions! Yokohama promotes the Y-PORT project for emerging cities through Public Private Partnerships.

International Initiatives


The City of Yokohama actively pursues international initiatives to contribute solutions to global issues and to support local development.

Investing in Yokohama


Introducing the business สภาพแวดล้อม of Yokohama. Please explore now the advantages of investing in Yokohama.

Port of Yokohama


The Port of Yokohama is located on the northwestern edge of Tokyo Bay. It is a naturally blessed port with optimum conditions.

Waste Management

Waste Management

Introducing waste management in Yokohama, แบบ how to sort garbage and ข่าวสาร about incineration plants to waste management master plans.

Climate Change / SDGs FutureCity

zero carbon yokohama

Explore Yokohama ' s climate การเปลี่ยนเสื้อผ้า countermeasures, and various efforts as a " SDGs FutureCity